Category: Employment Law

The legal framework for mental health and stress reduction in the workplace

Our Employment Law team are committed to ensuring that all employers and employees understand rights relating to mental health and stress reduction in the workplace. From an ESG perspective, workplace wellbeing has come into the spotlight in recent years and many employers have taken meaningful steps to reduce the feeling of stress felt by staff,…
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Recognising disability discrimination in the workplace

With poor treatment of disabled employees being increasingly recognised as an issue across many sectors in the UK, it is unsurprising that more workers are seeking justice following instances of discrimination. However, this leaves many wondering how to recognise discrimination when it happens. How is it distinguished from a difficult working relationship with a colleague…
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Watch out for these upcoming employment law changes

Employment law is changing in 2024. This year marks a period of substantial updates, impacting various aspects of the workplace and across numerous sectors. Understanding these changes is essential for compliance and maintaining a harmonious workplace, so make sure you plan accordingly and make yourself familiar with what’s to come. Flexible working (from 6 April…
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